In most patients, vein disease can be identified from the appearance of the abnormal veins on the skin surface. Vein disease most commonly affects the legs, particularly the backs of the calves or the insides of the legs. In fewer cases however, they may be seen on the pelvis, esophagus, uterus, vagina or rectum. Typical symptoms associates with vein disease include some or all of the below:

• Pain
• Aching, uncomfortable legs: Most patients that experience aches and discomfort in their legs cannot see varicose veins on the skin. A simple test such as an ultrasound, conducted at your nearest vein clinic in Jackson Heights, can detect underlying varicose veins.
• Heaviness in the legs.
• Swelling in the feet and ankles.
• Throbbing or burning sensation in the legs.
• Itchy skin that tends to be dry and thin over the affected vein: the leaking of the fluid and blood into the surrounding skin causes itching, redness and inflammation.
• Discoloration of the skin over the affected vein: the accumulated blood imparts a brownish discoloration to the skin.
• Leg cramps at night: Since the blood pools in the legs, it starts to move into the nearby cells when patients lie down. The brain tells the muscles to contract in order to push the blood back to the heart, leading to leg cramps. While it is a common belief that leg cramps are the result of low “salt” levels, this is not always the case particularly in patients with vein disease.
• Bleeding and ulceration in the legs.

These symptoms occur in varying degrees in different patients but most patients will experience worsening of these symptoms when standing up for long periods of time or in warm weather.

Vascular doctors in Jackson Heights explain that in some cases the condition may be asymptomatic. In fact Individuals experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms are therefore advised to book a consultation at a vein center in Jackson Heights.

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